With the Sims 4, nearly every time a patch comes out, it breaks a variety of mods.

Sometimes, download can be corrupted upon downloading them, so just in case, you can delete the files your first downloaded, download them again, and put them into your mods folder and see if it works.

Deleting cache files allows the game to "fix" itself in a way, and can be done as a first resort before repairing your entire game. You may also safely delete the entire onlinethumbnailcache folder, if present. You can delete everything in these folders, but not the folder themselves. You'll also see a folder titled cache and one titled cachestr. You can delete the localthumbscache.package file in this directory. To do this, go into Documents > Electronics Arts > The Sims 4 folder. It won't damage your save game, and this has actually fixed broken CC (particularly issues with script mods) for me in the past. The game will then repair itself and basically do a fresh install of the files needed to run The Sims 4. You can do this by clicking on The Sims 4 in your library, selecting the Settings button, and then clicking on Repair Game (please note that you must not be playing the game when you select this option).

You should see the items you downloaded there. Click on the Filter Items tab, select Content, then tick the Custom Content button and you'll see all your custom content.

If you've installed the CC or mod exactly as described above, it should all work just fine.